Okay I was glad to have you when Brevard County was burning. I was glad when you watered my newly laid sod. But can you share the wealthy????? I think we have had enough for a little while.. I think California would appreciate some of the beautiful wet stuff. Just ditch the lightning. They are forcasting rain into next week. Great..
For Sale on 8 1/2 year old whiny dalmatian. Will send food, ear drops, chicken strips and benedryl with this sale. Price $5. She enjoys begging for food, stealing your pillow and doing kicky-poos.
Just kidding her brother will not let her go. Humm.. I could sell the pair for $10. These storms are stressing I.V. Grace out.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Rain Rain go away...
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Blogger challenge
What is your favorite size scrapbook to scrap?
Right now I am doing more 8x8 books. I think that 6x6 is too small. I am on a creative slump right now on 12x12. I am currently working on a 8x8 album all about me.. I need to copy some photos and do a lot of journaling. Yes that evil word that is lacking in a LOT of my albums. My favorite albums are my Disney character albums. NO JOURNALING.. (do you know Journaling is not in the spell checker)
Family up-date.
My Uncle Bobby is at Baptist Hospital. He was checked in and lots of test run. The oncologist is giving him a 40% chance of beating it with a donor. With some brain storming (yeah I work at an OB/Gyn's office and it was the visit by a Viacord rep that got this into my brain). It seems the only way I could donate anything to Bobby is if I had a baby and donated the stem cells. Well truthfully, I am not sure we have 10 months to wait around for that. I also think my health insurance company would frown about that as a reason to send me to Reproductive Endocrinologist for a frozen papa on a stick. I am not in a stable (truthfully I am not in a relationship) in which to bring a child into. And the pups are not a match.
Another Revelation. It turns out that my grandfather may have had a minor stroke while on the golf course with in the last couple days. Don't have much else to post about that because I have not talked to my dad. Apparently he is not doing well with all this and he has every right to be. And the hits keep on coming..
**** Thank you Lily for the sweet words. I keep holding out hope and thank goodness for Wellbutrin. The Curry Genes are pretty tough. So I am holding out faith. He beat this 8 yrs ago and he can do it again. As for Grandpa.. He has a habit of not following doctors directions. This man is having a Skin Cancer taken off his chin Thursday and he is out playing golf. I guarantee you he did not put sun screen on. I think this is the reason I live in Florida. I am away from the drama up there. I know if I was up there that I would have to translate.
Update-- Uncle Bobby is at Wake Forest Baptist Mdical Center. His previous cancer was Myloid Leukemia. They say he has a different strand of Myloid Leukemia. He had his check up last month and it was normal. So to look at it on the positive side - if his gallbladder did not act up and need removing this may not have been found until it was WAY too late. The oncologist says that it is rare for Myloid Leukemia to come back but for it to appear within a month is not good. I say 40% chance of beating it is better then 10%. I will keep everyone up to date with what ever they tell me..
IT'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Trailer
Yeah it has finally been released. I think it is lacking something. It does not have that pull you in and want to see more type of trailer. It seems like a teaser trailer then the real thing.. I can not believe that the movie is so close to being here.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
TV Crime shows.
Do you watch shows like Most Shocking Criminals, Cops, The show with Dayle Hinman and other true crime shows.. Well I do. And I think people are going to think people in Brevard County Florida are idots and Criminals. Cops has road along with out sheriff department. I think we were mentioned 3 times in the Smoking Gun criminals 5. Yep the doctor in the Captain America costume was a local doctor. A confession. I worked at the office he worked at for 6 months. He truly made a better Lurch then Captain America. I just shake my head when I hear Palm Bay, Melbourne, Titusville, Cocoa and a few other locations. I have even seen one of my patient's husband on the show. He was one of the sherriff officers. One of the girls I use to ride with on the ambulance was shown. I was watching Most shocking seniors. And there was a guy from Titusville. Do you ever feel that way??? Like the TV seems to find all of the cities greatest citizens. It is like when a tornado hits and they find the biggest goofiest person who has more tattoos then teeth and you can not understand a single word of his account of the event.
Monday, July 28, 2008
A little of this & a little of that..
I know this is not like me but... My head hurts and I am not feeling well.
I have a few more necklaces to make. I also need to work on my Thank you cards from my birthday presents.
Blog Challenge
Have you created a layout to show one of your greatest joys in your childhood? If so would you share with us:
I have... I have actually been working on my "All About Me" album. I just need to get my scanner working and I will post them. Dang scanner. I need to scan my baby pictures so I can send them to my dad.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Blog Challange - Catch up time...
7/27/08 Challenge for today~ With CHA just happening. Lets talk new products. How do you decide what to buy and not buy if you see alot of stuff you would love to add to your collection/Stash?
I buy what I like and think I will use. Except for paper and Disney items. I love it all. I really look to see if it is related to projects I am working on. Quickutz is another monster. They are so cute.
7/26/08 Challenge~ Do you enjoy doing online crops?
I have never done an online crop. I am not really sure how they work. Interesting concept and easier because you do not have to load everything up.
7/25/08 Challenge~ What are you scrapping plans for the weekend?
Well it is now Sunday - So far I have printed off my Quickutz using the EZ reference square. At least for my 2x2 dies. I will work on my 4x4 dies soon. Otherwise I have made 3 necklaces and a bracelet. Pictures coming soon.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Genetics SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!
Genetics Sucks.. Oh yes they do. Where to start... My uncle Bobby is the youngest if 4 kids (watch Meet the Browns and that is my family). Him and his wife Frances never had children. He is a Policeman/Fireman, she works for the Police department. Several years ago Bobby had a cold that would not go away. He went to the doctor and they drew some blood. His blood tests came back abnormal. They rushed to Baptist hospital. His white blood count was through the roof. He was diagnosted with Leukemia. (sorry it has escaped my brain as to whether is is myloid or lymphatic- I am leaning toward Myloid). As a Policeman they are tought and he found it. He went into remisson. He was been in remisson for 8 years. Last month he went for his check up and all was good. Thursday, he is in the hospital because he had to have is gallbladder removed. Friday they think his Leukemia has come back. So here is where the genetics vent comes in. I have been asked if I would consent to be tested to see if I am a marrow match. I am beyond willing to do it. So last night I went to the Bone marrow donating site. It turns out I can not donate. Yes I am healthy. Yes my cholesterol is slightly elevated (That is the Curry Gene for you which means he has it too). But I have Factor V Leiden (at least one gene of it- mom has 2 genes). That is what has knocked me out donating pool. Dang it.. I have written the Bone Marrow Website and I am waiting a response. I have not contacted my father to let him know. I will let them know probably tonight. I will have them ask his oncologist what his/her final thought is. I will gladly do it if they will take me. Now I am sad.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
This is just wrong..
I live in Central Florida. We have 2 preschoolers missing over the last 2 to 3 years. Trenton Duckett. His mother did something with him. The mystery of his disappearance went to the grave with his mother. Now we have a little 3 y/o little girl named Caylee Anthony. Who has been missing since as early as June 8th or some day in june. Casey, er mother says she is missing but she was too afraid to call the police because of thing she has seen in movies about kidnappings. Orlando police arrested Caylee's mom Casey. Casey had been caught in Multiple lies. Like that she has been working at Universal studios when she was really fired 2 years ago. The mother has moved from place to place over the last few weeks. The mother claims the Babysitter took her. According to the landlord of the apartment complex no one has lived in that apartment in 5 months. The Grandparents never met the babysitter. The Grandmother first says Casey states she did not want to hurt Her (Grandmother). Casey's car was found abandoned in a parking lot with no gas. The Grandmother called 911 (This call was just released.) stating she wants an office to come out and arrest someone who took her car. The operator asked who she was wanting to have arrested. She says her daughter and that her grand daughter is missing. She says that her daughter says she can not say who has her. Another 911 call says We found my daughters car and it smells like a deab body has been in it. The car was found with old pizza with magots on it. They have had cadaver dogs hit in the car and in the back yard to the Grandparents home. Casey showed NO emotion when she was arrested. The grandmother keeps saying me me me me me.. Now there are tips coming in saying she was on a flight to Atlanta. There are tips that say she was spotted in two cities in Georgia. Casey says she received a call from Caylee just before she was reported missing. If this is true why can they not prove this. There is just something wrong about this whole case. The mother has been spotted backing the car into the Garage of the grandparents home. That she has borrowed a shovel. What has it taken grandparents so long to report her missing. They live in the same city. I did not go a week without seeing my grandparents. Bond has been set for $500,000 and home confinement. The grandparents are working to get money to spring Casey. My mother told me if I was hiding something like this she would leave my ass in jail. I don't blame her. There is truly something wrong with this situation. Casey has either sold Caylee or traded her for drugs or worse killed that beautiful little girl. She is truly a cute little cute.
Local 6 Help Find Caylee WFTV Channel 9
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
A little bit of a break...
Okay I must back off from the blog for a little bit. I am halfway through a book that I need to be done with. Breaking Dawn is due out next Saturday at midnight. So I need to get my butt moving because want to start it that day.. So I am going to hop off line and go read.. see you later..
Monday, July 21, 2008
Blog Challenge
How do you store photos that you do no use in scrapbooking?
Everything is usually burned on MULTIPLE CD's. They are the first items packed when evacuating for Hurricanes. The reason they are on multiple disks is because I forget where I burned them. And I keep backing them up Just in case. Yes. I know it is sad.. I am losing my mind already.. But I must say. I have a computer who's power plug broke and there are pictures on here that did not get burned onto a disk. Yeah that sucks.
The funniest thing just happened. My goofy baby I.V. Grace looked at her reflection in the sliding glass window. She scared herself. Yes she started barking at herself. Crazy girl.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The Dark Knight
Just got home from seeing this awesome movie - The Dark Knight. Thursday night while I was watching the boys I watched Batman Begins. Well I was really filling in the blanks because my previous attempts to watch it I fell asleep. I really enjoyed the movie. I think Christian Bales makes a GREAT Batman. Heath Leger was an AWESOME Joker. I think Maggie Gyllentaal makes a better Rachel then Katie Holmes. In January we last a great actor. The casting person deserves a raise. It is a must see.. I will be purchasing it when it hit shelves. Also the rumor of a Harry Potter 6 Trailer - total false.. When will we get to see that trailer. Back to Batman.. Did you know that my daddy it Batman.. Yep... My dad is Bruce Wayne. Although our last name is not Wayne.
Random thoughts..
You know there is only one thing worse then a mad wet Dalmatian.. Two mad wet dalmatians.
When dalmatians or any white does looks dirty they turn yellowish. Except Cody who truly enjoys playing in mud. My two were ready for a bath. They were beyond dirty. So round them up and lock ourselves into the bathroom. I.V. Grace is the first victim. Washed and toes cut. Cody meanwhile is hiding in the towel rack. Of course I can not reach my camera to take a picture. Cody is next to be a clean little man. He gets his bath. They get as dried as you can get them. Now they are running around the house like they have been given speed. I.V. Grace is bouncing off the furniture. But now they are so pretty and white agai.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Look what I Captured last night.
Went out to walk the dogs last night and noticed a firework show in the sky. So I hopped into the car and drove out to the river and took some photos. I wanted to drive over to beach but the storm was moving further off shore. This is why I love living in Florida.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Thank you..
I would like to extend a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who was kind and stopped by to wish me a Happy Birthday. It was a pretty relaxed day. Thank you again.
Lily.. I live in Melbourne. I am east of Orlando.- Close enough to do day trips to the parks but far enough away that I don't have the traffic or have to travel on the I-4 nightmare..
Blog Challenge
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Blog Challenge
For today's challenge, what is something about people (in general) that really irritates you?
There are a couple of things that do it for me.
1.) lack of common sense.
2.) lazy people
3.) whinny people (or right now my whinny dog).
4.) people who think they are intitled to things they have not worked for.
6.) people who do not think outside of the box.
Well I am off to goof off on my day off. A couple of months ago I signed up as a photographer for FindAGrave.com. Well monday I was actual asked to photograph some graves for someone. So I am off to do that before the weather turns bad. It rained pretty much all day yesterday. I know freaky thing to do on your birthday but it is my day so I am going to do it. Plus I have to run to work which this cemetery is right next door.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Blog Challenge
Challenge: Post a recent layout/project that you've created or that you're currently working on.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Blog Challenge add on #2
The Ice cream I got was Chocolate Trinity (Made by Publix) Chocolate with a ribbon of chocolate fudge and little fudge cups. Of it was sinful. There was also a peanut butter ice cream, a red velvet cake and then french Vanilla. It was very good. Got me going for the afternoon load of patients..
Blog Challenge add on
I forgot I did when Duran Duran tickets in High School off the radio
a webkins Horse off the radio
And just 2 weeks ago I won a $25 GC for a hotel resturant/bar.
I take it I did not win the photography contest I entered in June.. Oh well..
Blog Challenge
hi bloggers, today's question is... what have you won??? doesn't have to be scrapbooking it can be anything you like.
Humm. That is not hard.
A VCR at Project graduation
a QK Ticket & License plate
$10 G.C to a place I dislike to eat
$10 for my LSS for a Card I entered (only 2 people entered total)
I think that is it.. I can't think because I am at work. I guess I will go get some Ice Cream to get the brain functioning. Type more later..
Monday, July 14, 2008
Blog Challenge and a Work Funny
Challenge for today: How do you feel about house cleaning? Do you enjoy it? Loathe it? Do you hire someone to do it? Does your family help with the work?
I truly hate cleaning. I have the Messiest scrapbook room. My room is not the cleanest. I must says it is a lot cleaner then it use to be when I was younger. You can see the floor. The funny thing is when I babysit for the boys I am always cleaning up - The kitchen, clothes all over thier bedroom, the toys in the playroom, the loft, the living room and the craft loft. It is the weirdest thing. I even do the dishes and wipe the counters and stove.
Work funny...
The parking around work is always a difficult thing. You have to get there at 7:30am or before to get a street parking space otherwise you have to park at the church across from work. You have to cross 5 lanes of traffic. You feel like you are frogger.. Ribbit... So we have have this intern who got to work early today. One of co-workers saw this mini van parked in the lot early. She thought it was one of the nursing home workers cars. They know that we will tow because we do not have enough parking spaces for our patients. So my boss had this car that was there early in the morning towed... Well it turns out that the car was our interns car. She went out for lunch and it was gone. She called her mom and asked if she came and picked it up. Mom was like no I did not. Our inter rarely drives, it is usually her father that drops her off. So my boss was able to get her car back without any charge and we have laughed about it all day. I asked if that meant she got a good review for school. She deserves it after that. Plays well with others.. At least she was not mad about it.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Blog Challenge
What is something you are looking forward to during this coming week?
It comes once a year. Last year it was probably my best ever.. It is my BIRTHDAY.. Well if today it the 13th that means 4 more days.. I will turn 33 on Thursday. And as for someone who RARELY takes time off of work. I am taking Thursday and Friday off and I am going to spend it at home cuddling two spoiled dogs and catching up on either my Scrapbooking or reading. I need to spend less time on here because I am way behind in my reading. I have to finish the book I am reading by August 2nd so I can start Breaking Dawn. Right now I am reading Fiery Cross. I have been playing tooooo much on-line to get into this book or I should have taken a break in the series before starting it. Oh well..
I must say I have started tooooo many series books (also check out my book shelf on the right side of this blog from GoodReads):
Outlander series
Twilight series
House of night
Vampire Kisses
Vampire Academy
Vampire Diaries Maga
Blue Bloods
Mediator series (Audio Books from Audible.com)
See a few tooo many. The big problem is my closest bookstore takes FOREVER to get new releases in. The latest Vamire Kisses book was released on July 1st and it is still not on the shelf. In January I was reading the Vampire Diaries Re-release combo book. I waited 2 weeks and nothing. I ordered it and still after 2 weeks nothing. I went to the Viera store and they had it. It kills me.. I don't like the Viera store because it is like an Ice box.
Okay enough with the babbling. It is late and I should be in bed. Happy Sunday.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Have you ever wanted to know what was going on somewhere else in the world. Admit it you have. I fell head over heals for England when I visited in 2006. So I was playing around here on the Internet I stumbled across a website called CamVista. This site has a list of live webcams in England, Scotland, USA and a few other countries. I loved to watch the working of the London. It is great to watch Piccadilly square and the tourist and locals. You can watch people stroll up and down the royal mile or the Royal Tattoo preform at Edinbugh Castle in August. There is another site that even list sites that you can watch puppies, a baby sleeping or a mobile piano bar. CamStreams. Brevard county Zoo can now be added to this list. Brevard County Zoo - Giraffe exibit. Have fun watching.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Happy Birthday and a little more..
No it is not my birthday... Yet.. That is next week. Today is:
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Blog Challenge
For today: What is something you admire about your spouse, significant other? And if you aren't currently in a relationship what qualities do you look for in another?
1: A Job
2: Does not rely on Mommy and Daddy to make his decisions.
3: Likes Foreplay
4: Adventurous
5: Caring
6: does not mind with house work
7: Animal lover
8: is good with his hands
9: Will share the driving with me (I LIKE TO DRIVE)
10: Does not mind Girl time
11: Will support my Scrapbooking Habit.
I think that will be it for right now.
Cody - My current man is a Controling, bed hog who loves to smother me with kisses. He likes to steal my chair and can hear the Bread wrapper being openned from across the house.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Blog Challenge
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Blog Challenge
How about for today's challenge... what was the first job or profession you wanted to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a pediatrician. Then I started working on Pediatrics and saw the tough decisions and what they have to sometimes do to little children. It broke my heart. Then I wanted to be an architect and interior designer. But of course my mother who wanted me to be in the medical field pushed me away from what I enjoyed. Now I am in the medical field and total HATE my job with a passion. My one joyous part is when I get to watch the boys..
Little man Cody had his surgery this morning. They had to remove more of his teeth then origionally thought. The vet pulled 5 teeth. So little man is sitting home with his grandma spoiling him. When I made it home at 530pm Cody and Mom where not home yet. So I consoled I.V. Grace because she spent the whole day by herself. This is the first time they have been seperated since they were little. She was shaking when I walked in. Of course there was a storm and I know that probably pushed her over the edge. I cuddled her until her brother came in. She wanted to sniff him from head to toe. Cody was not having any of that. He finally laid down and was releaxing when I left to babysit. Mom said he is resting and catching some Zzzzz..
Are you tired of those sissy 'friendship' poems that always sound good, But never actually come close to reality? Well, here is a series ofpromisesthat actually speak of true friendship. You will see no cutesy littlesmiley faceson this card- Just the stone cold truth of our great friendship.
1. When you are sad -- I will jump on the person who made you sad like a spider monkey jacked up on mountain dew.
2. When you are blue -- I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you.
3. When you smile -- I will know you are plotting something that I must be involved in.
4. When you are scared -- I will rag on you about it every chance I get.
5. When you are worried -- I will tell you horrible stories about how much Worse it could be until you quit whining.
6. When you are confused -- I will use little words.
7. When you are sick -- Stay away from me until you are well... I don't want whatever you have.
8. When you fall -- I will point and laugh at your clumsy butt.
9. This is my oath.... I pledge it to the end. '
Why?' you may ask; 'because you are my friend'. Friendship is like peeing in your pants, everyone can see it,But only you can feel the true warmth...
Monday, July 07, 2008
My little man..
My little man Cody is having surgery in the morning. He has broken 2 of his teeth and has to have them pulls. He started chewing oddly on Friday. His vet like most of the vets where closed Saturday. So we got him and appointment this morning So he has a loose tooth that is infected and another that is loose. So I will write tomorrow with and update as to how he is.
Blog Challenge
Today's challenge: Post about your most recent bargains/finds.
I have not found any real bargins recently. Saturday my LSS sent out a coupon for 40% off one item. I did post this in my Saturday Blog. I purchased the Japan Quickutz die set. Then yesterday we went to Sams..I got my first Birthday gift. I got my foldable 4 foot table I have wanted. Yeah..
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Blog Challenge.
hi bloggers.. your challenge today is journaling!!
do you think you do enough of it? does it always relate to the story?
Do I do enough journaling? In one word - No. If you have looked through my scrapbooks that is the one thing missing on 90% of them. I hate to journal. I hate the way I write. I have problems completing some thoughts. I know you are thinking - Man she writes enough on here. It should not be a problem. Well on paper this is no Spell check. I am constantly spelling things wrong or they are slanted. I always me mistakes in my writing. So it is easier to put it off.
Ok now a Book Store vent. I live with 2 miles of a Books-a-million. I am so frustrated with the store. They do not have the new releases when they are released. I had to have them order me one and it took so long to get it. I went up to the Viera store and got it and it still took a total of 6wks for them to get it in. So I went there Friday night to look for the new Vampire diaries #5 Coffin Club. Nada. Nope.. This was released on July first. So here is my dilemma. I have pre-purchased Breaking Dawn, which it is to be released at midnight on August 2nd. Will they have it???? We will see.
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Sod and a little more..
As you see in the previous entry - I put down sod. I am short about 6 to 8 pieces. So yesterday afternoon I ran back up to Home Depot to pick up some more. They were completely out. The pallet and 1/2 was gone. I knew I should have got in my car and got some more before I rested. But my hard head I did not listen to it. So I asked mom to call Home Depot. They do not get sod deliveries daily. They only get it on Tuesday & Friday. So I decide that I we can run up to New Horizons Nursery. But first we must have breakfast. We stop at the Bagel place. Then headed on over the New Horizons nursery. They like everyone else is out of sod. We explained our problem. Justin says he has some pieces of sod that we can have if they are still good. We head tot he there second lot. He says it is dry and probably will not take. So we tell him that we are going to stroll around. It is a nursery that I pass on a daily basis and have always wanted to stop at. We are walking around and they have a lemur cage with two lemurs in it. Wandering further around and there are 2 ducks. We bought some flowers to put in the planter out front. Then it was a lazy day around the house. Later in the afternoon I decide to run to the Scrapbook Cottage. Elizabeth sent out an email with a 40% off coupon to be used today only. So I have been wanting and craving the Japan country kit. I have been watching them on eBay. But this is my chance to get them. So while mom is out and about I sneak up there. She says I spend too much on my scrapbooking. I did some very hard work yesterday and I needed a little treat. I am not empressed with this months Quickutz release so I will not be spending my money on them. I have cut back a lot because I have not been babysitting as much as I use to. Yeah this recession is even hitting the babysitters of the world. I use to manage 3 families and was out most weekend nights and several nights a week. Now I am lucky to work 4 nights a week. I worked Thursday night and I made enough to fill the car up. So Thurdays we got paid and I have $40 left. Hopefully the birthday money will be coming in soon. The sod may have to wait until next weekend. We will see.
Friday, July 04, 2008
Blog Challenge and 4th of July plans..
My 4th of July plans are a little strange. I am tearing up a dead spot in the front yard. Yep me. So I start cutting the grass with the shovel. When my Stampin' Up Rep (She is the Greatest) pulled up to drop off some punches I purchased. She says they have a thing called the Garden Claw that will help with stirring up the dead grass.
This is the dead spot before I get the garden claw. It usually runs $20 she says. So I said what the heck. Jump in the SUV and drive out to Home Depot. I am lucky because I have one about 5mins from the house. Of course who does not wander around the store. I get 2 bags of soil that is to help with Grass plugs, sod and seeding and such. Then we head to the area where the shovels and stuff are. I find one and it costs $19.99. I am like fine. Walk a little further and find one for $14.99. Get that.. Then pick up a few other things like a Grill brush and new soap dish for the shower. Head back to the garden center and check out. 20 pieces of Sod I want. So $75 dollars later. I pull the Rav4 up and load the 20 pieces of sod into the back. I am getting into the Rav4 and look up and see this beautiful Rainbow in the sky. It is not raining. It is bright an beautiful. Of course I did not have my camera. So I praying that is would not disappear before I go home. Here are some photos I was able to catch. It was a lot brighter at Home Depot and on the ride home.
So here is my little Rav4 loaded with the sod. Then my little helpers jump up and check it out.
I got the are turned then dumped the 2 bags of dirt. I level it out as best as I could. I have a rake somewhere but of course it is hiding because it is suppose to do work. I start laying the sod. I thought 20 pieces would be enough. I was wrong. I have to go back to Home Depot and get about 6 more pieces to finish it out. I must say I am too dang tired at this moment to move. I must say that for a girl I did a pretty good job. I did it from start to finish in 3hrs.
This last picture is mom feeding I.V. Grace some Watermelon. She is my Dare Devil. She will try most things we give her that is food related. She will even eat Bananas. She is making a face because it is cold.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Blog Challenge..
Challenge~ 10 unfinished projects hanging over my head.
1. My Album
2. A lot of things at work
3. Catching up on my reading
4. Catch up on reading (I know it is on there twice but I keep buying books and have not finished the one I am on)
5. Cleaning and organizing my scrapbook room
I am having a mental block..
Blog Challenge
For our challenge today... Share with us your favorite quote relating to creativity. I don't really have a quote.. I think we should encourage creativity in children. Whether it be through stories, games, toys or crafts. Creativity has made this world what it is. Where would we be is Bell did not create the phone. Well we would not have to hear from those solicitors at dinner time. Instead of buying that electronic game buy some art supplies and see what develops. Pull out your craft punches and scissor and give those kids some paper and let them at it. Write down those stories your children make up for you. Did you know that M. Knight Shyamalan.
Children's book
Shyamalan, who credits the development of the movie to a bedtime story he
told his children about what happens in their pool at night, wrote the 72-page
children's book Lady in the Water: A Bedtime Story (Little, Brown, New York, ISBN
0-316-01734-5) to coincide with the movie. The book's illustrations were
done by Crash McCreery. It was released on the same day as the film, on July 21,
See what a little bedtime stories for his kids led him.. To the big screen.
I accidently posted this on one of my other blogs.. Oops.. See why you should not blog and watch TV at the same time.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Blog Challenge
What scrapping supplies can you not live without and why?
1.) My Quickutz Revolution & Dies.. I love all the little dies. The way you can customize your dies to your scrapbook page.
2.) My Tombow Mono Adhesive glues.. The green topped liquid and their dry adhesive. Love them. They are easy to use and holds.
Last night I finished my recipe page for the Quickutz club swap. I only have to stamp my name on the back of the page.
You know you work too much when it is a short week, it is wednesday and you already have over 28 hrs. I actually woke up this morning thinking it was thursday. Yep that is how much I want this week to be over. It is wednesday and I have one more day to go then I can sleep late on Friday.. :)
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
A little of this and little of that..
Today Florida finally put to death child rapist/murderer Mark Dean Swabb. 17 years ago he befriended 11 y/o Junny Rio Martinez. He later kidnapped him, tied him up, raped him, murdered him and dumped him off. I must say it is about damn time. Next we have do knock William Cruz off for gunning down 6 people and injuring many others.
Next --- What is for dinner.. I am not in the mood to cook. I am think I am going to fix waffles. What I really want is Bourbon Chicken Rice bowl from Asian Too. OOOoooo that is sooo good.
Well I must go and try and find something to eat.. I am so hungry that My head is starting to hurt.
Oh I forgot. Last night I submitted one of the photos below to one of the local news channels and they put it on the news. They have this thing where views can submit news photos. "See it, snap it and send it".. Yeah. I have not heard about the photography contest at the local photoshop. I will just keep waiting to see..