hi bloggers.. your challenge today is journaling!!
do you think you do enough of it? does it always relate to the story?
Do I do enough journaling? In one word - No. If you have looked through my scrapbooks that is the one thing missing on 90% of them. I hate to journal. I hate the way I write. I have problems completing some thoughts. I know you are thinking - Man she writes enough on here. It should not be a problem. Well on paper this is no Spell check. I am constantly spelling things wrong or they are slanted. I always me mistakes in my writing. So it is easier to put it off.
Ok now a Book Store vent. I live with 2 miles of a Books-a-million. I am so frustrated with the store. They do not have the new releases when they are released. I had to have them order me one and it took so long to get it. I went up to the Viera store and got it and it still took a total of 6wks for them to get it in. So I went there Friday night to look for the new Vampire diaries #5 Coffin Club. Nada. Nope.. This was released on July first. So here is my dilemma. I have pre-purchased Breaking Dawn, which it is to be released at midnight on August 2nd. Will they have it???? We will see.
10 hours ago
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Hi may a positive light turn on in your life and open up a whole new world for you. I wish such nice things for you.
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