As you see in the previous entry - I put down sod. I am short about 6 to 8 pieces. So yesterday afternoon I ran back up to Home Depot to pick up some more. They were completely out. The pallet and 1/2 was gone. I knew I should have got in my car and got some more before I rested. But my hard head I did not listen to it. So I asked mom to call Home Depot. They do not get sod deliveries daily. They only get it on Tuesday & Friday. So I decide that I we can run up to New Horizons Nursery. But first we must have breakfast. We stop at the Bagel place. Then headed on over the New Horizons nursery. They like everyone else is out of sod. We explained our problem. Justin says he has some pieces of sod that we can have if they are still good. We head tot he there second lot. He says it is dry and probably will not take. So we tell him that we are going to stroll around. It is a nursery that I pass on a daily basis and have always wanted to stop at. We are walking around and they have a lemur cage with two lemurs in it. Wandering further around and there are 2 ducks. We bought some flowers to put in the planter out front. Then it was a lazy day around the house. Later in the afternoon I decide to run to the Scrapbook Cottage. Elizabeth sent out an email with a 40% off coupon to be used today only. So I have been wanting and craving the Japan country kit. I have been watching them on eBay. But this is my chance to get them. So while mom is out and about I sneak up there. She says I spend too much on my scrapbooking. I did some very hard work yesterday and I needed a little treat. I am not empressed with this months Quickutz release so I will not be spending my money on them. I have cut back a lot because I have not been babysitting as much as I use to. Yeah this recession is even hitting the babysitters of the world. I use to manage 3 families and was out most weekend nights and several nights a week. Now I am lucky to work 4 nights a week. I worked Thursday night and I made enough to fill the car up. So Thurdays we got paid and I have $40 left. Hopefully the birthday money will be coming in soon. The sod may have to wait until next weekend. We will see.
9 hours ago
1 Your thoughts and comments:
Your my hero! Sod on your own? YOWZA!
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