Do you watch shows like Most Shocking Criminals, Cops, The show with Dayle Hinman and other true crime shows.. Well I do. And I think people are going to think people in Brevard County Florida are idots and Criminals. Cops has road along with out sheriff department. I think we were mentioned 3 times in the Smoking Gun criminals 5. Yep the doctor in the Captain America costume was a local doctor. A confession. I worked at the office he worked at for 6 months. He truly made a better Lurch then Captain America. I just shake my head when I hear Palm Bay, Melbourne, Titusville, Cocoa and a few other locations. I have even seen one of my patient's husband on the show. He was one of the sherriff officers. One of the girls I use to ride with on the ambulance was shown. I was watching Most shocking seniors. And there was a guy from Titusville. Do you ever feel that way??? Like the TV seems to find all of the cities greatest citizens. It is like when a tornado hits and they find the biggest goofiest person who has more tattoos then teeth and you can not understand a single word of his account of the event.
10 hours ago
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