Challenge for today: How do you feel about house cleaning? Do you enjoy it? Loathe it? Do you hire someone to do it? Does your family help with the work?
I truly hate cleaning. I have the Messiest scrapbook room. My room is not the cleanest. I must says it is a lot cleaner then it use to be when I was younger. You can see the floor. The funny thing is when I babysit for the boys I am always cleaning up - The kitchen, clothes all over thier bedroom, the toys in the playroom, the loft, the living room and the craft loft. It is the weirdest thing. I even do the dishes and wipe the counters and stove.
Work funny...
The parking around work is always a difficult thing. You have to get there at 7:30am or before to get a street parking space otherwise you have to park at the church across from work. You have to cross 5 lanes of traffic. You feel like you are frogger.. Ribbit... So we have have this intern who got to work early today. One of co-workers saw this mini van parked in the lot early. She thought it was one of the nursing home workers cars. They know that we will tow because we do not have enough parking spaces for our patients. So my boss had this car that was there early in the morning towed... Well it turns out that the car was our interns car. She went out for lunch and it was gone. She called her mom and asked if she came and picked it up. Mom was like no I did not. Our inter rarely drives, it is usually her father that drops her off. So my boss was able to get her car back without any charge and we have laughed about it all day. I asked if that meant she got a good review for school. She deserves it after that. Plays well with others.. At least she was not mad about it.
7 hours ago
4 Your thoughts and comments:
I clean when I get stressed out. My house should be absolutely spotless, LOL.
It's weird how your "messiness" changes over time, isn't it? I used to have a path through my bedroom when I was kid. Now, I can't stand for the floor to be messy. The dresser tops are a completely different story though, lol.
yay another anti house cleaner... I loathe it too, when I do actually clean my kids ask who is coming to visit LMAO
I am so with you on housecleaning. I hate it. But it is a necessary evil.
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