What is your favorite size scrapbook to scrap?
Right now I am doing more 8x8 books. I think that 6x6 is too small. I am on a creative slump right now on 12x12. I am currently working on a 8x8 album all about me.. I need to copy some photos and do a lot of journaling. Yes that evil word that is lacking in a LOT of my albums. My favorite albums are my Disney character albums. NO JOURNALING.. (do you know Journaling is not in the spell checker)
Family up-date.
My Uncle Bobby is at Baptist Hospital. He was checked in and lots of test run. The oncologist is giving him a 40% chance of beating it with a donor. With some brain storming (yeah I work at an OB/Gyn's office and it was the visit by a Viacord rep that got this into my brain). It seems the only way I could donate anything to Bobby is if I had a baby and donated the stem cells. Well truthfully, I am not sure we have 10 months to wait around for that. I also think my health insurance company would frown about that as a reason to send me to Reproductive Endocrinologist for a frozen papa on a stick. I am not in a stable (truthfully I am not in a relationship) in which to bring a child into. And the pups are not a match.
Another Revelation. It turns out that my grandfather may have had a minor stroke while on the golf course with in the last couple days. Don't have much else to post about that because I have not talked to my dad. Apparently he is not doing well with all this and he has every right to be. And the hits keep on coming..
**** Thank you Lily for the sweet words. I keep holding out hope and thank goodness for Wellbutrin. The Curry Genes are pretty tough. So I am holding out faith. He beat this 8 yrs ago and he can do it again. As for Grandpa.. He has a habit of not following doctors directions. This man is having a Skin Cancer taken off his chin Thursday and he is out playing golf. I guarantee you he did not put sun screen on. I think this is the reason I live in Florida. I am away from the drama up there. I know if I was up there that I would have to translate.
Update-- Uncle Bobby is at Wake Forest Baptist Mdical Center. His previous cancer was Myloid Leukemia. They say he has a different strand of Myloid Leukemia. He had his check up last month and it was normal. So to look at it on the positive side - if his gallbladder did not act up and need removing this may not have been found until it was WAY too late. The oncologist says that it is rare for Myloid Leukemia to come back but for it to appear within a month is not good. I say 40% chance of beating it is better then 10%. I will keep everyone up to date with what ever they tell me..
10 hours ago
4 Your thoughts and comments:
Big hugs to you. Sounds like you're going through some tough times. You know your blog buddies are here for you!
My thoughts are with you and your family.
I love 8x8 and have recently tried a few 6x12. Like it alot!
My thoughts are with you.
Oh, my goodness..your family is really going through a lot right now. Thinking of you.
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