Genetics Sucks.. Oh yes they do. Where to start... My uncle Bobby is the youngest if 4 kids (watch Meet the Browns and that is my family). Him and his wife Frances never had children. He is a Policeman/Fireman, she works for the Police department. Several years ago Bobby had a cold that would not go away. He went to the doctor and they drew some blood. His blood tests came back abnormal. They rushed to Baptist hospital. His white blood count was through the roof. He was diagnosted with Leukemia. (sorry it has escaped my brain as to whether is is myloid or lymphatic- I am leaning toward Myloid). As a Policeman they are tought and he found it. He went into remisson. He was been in remisson for 8 years. Last month he went for his check up and all was good. Thursday, he is in the hospital because he had to have is gallbladder removed. Friday they think his Leukemia has come back. So here is where the genetics vent comes in. I have been asked if I would consent to be tested to see if I am a marrow match. I am beyond willing to do it. So last night I went to the Bone marrow donating site. It turns out I can not donate. Yes I am healthy. Yes my cholesterol is slightly elevated (That is the Curry Gene for you which means he has it too). But I have Factor V Leiden (at least one gene of it- mom has 2 genes). That is what has knocked me out donating pool. Dang it.. I have written the Bone Marrow Website and I am waiting a response. I have not contacted my father to let him know. I will let them know probably tonight. I will have them ask his oncologist what his/her final thought is. I will gladly do it if they will take me. Now I am sad.
10 hours ago
2 Your thoughts and comments:
I'm so sorry. Genetics give us the best and the worst of our history that is for sure...
Oh, that is so sad. How hard it must be to want to help and not be able to. Best wishes to your uncle.
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