It is so funny to seehow dogs are just children. Cody is truly the rotten little brother. He teases I.V. Grace. Today apparently Cody was trying to be his adventurous little self by attempting to dig out of the yard. We noticed they were out side for a long amount of time. When I called them inside I.V. Grace was acting like she knew he was up to something he was not suppose to be up to... You got it a planned escape. Went I looked at Cody's toes you could see that they were dirty. When I walked out to investigate she showed me exactly where he was digging. She was truly proud of what she had done by telling on him. I don't need children because I already have two of them. Well I must go see what mischief they are into now because he keeps running on to the porch and she is still outside..
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Times they are a changing
The time of growing up and taking care of ones self is sweeping through Lumberton. Grandpa is putting hisfoot down and the children are being forced to take care of themselves. The other day dad & carolyn came home to find a message from grandpas cell phone. Yep he bumped the phone and it called dad. He had apparently just set BJ down and explained to him that he needed to start caring for himself,paying his own bills and keep money in his checking account to cover what he has written. He, grandpa, flat out said that he could cover his bills and BJ's also. Time to grow up biy!!!!. Saturday (July 23rd) Elizabeth had requested a metting between Grandpa, Kelly (Elizabeth's Fiancie) and herself to discuss what was going to happen now. Elizabeth purely expecting to get all of Grandmas jewelry, NOT!!! Grandpa flat out told her that she is off of his health insurace as of September 1st, she needed to transfer the cell phone bill into her name and start paying that bill and that Grandma had 2 other granddaughters that she was not going to be the only one getting Grandmas jewelry. Grandpa I am proud of you and stick to your guns and make them start paying for their stuff...
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Back from North Carolina -- part 2
Okay I guess I will pick up where I left off. We arrive at Grandpas house and he was suprised to see that I had made it up there. He looked very tired. Of course most of the family was munching away on food provided by people within the community. The funeral home had opened up at 2pm for the family to go up and view the body. We go back to the house and they start feeding us again. About 4 pm we go to Thomas and pa's home and get ready for the public veiwing at 7pm. There was a line out the front door until about 8:30pm when the visitors seemed to tapper off. Afterwards we go back to the house for, you guessed it, more food. Carolyn kept talking about a strawberry pie someone had brought by. We finally get home about 11pm. Wednesday (July 20th) we have the final few events to get threw. We have to be at the house by 10am because the limos will be there a little after that. Well almost all the family arrives. We get ready to loading the limos and Edwin's friend (B.S. Girlfriend) son wants to ride with the family while his mother and Edwin are riding in their own vehicle. They luckily decided to take him with them. We arrive at the chuch and the family files in an as we walk down the aisle we pass Elizabeth (evelyn's daughter) is sitting with her fiance with all the other guests. She did not even want to sit with the family. There are no problems with the grave side service. BJ hits the rode as soon as the pastor says this concludes the sevice. Elizabeth moves in to suck up to grandpa. Well we return to grandpas and change clothes since it is extremely hot and pack back into the vehicles to go back the chuch for lunch. The church provide a wonderful lunch. Meanwhile Elizabeth had returned to her mother's house and proceed to remove her items out the house. The rest of the afternoon was running to the library where he had to drop off some paperwork. While we were there a young lady and her friend found out that grandma had passed away. These 2 ladies were truly in shock. Well grandpa wanted to go out for chinese food. Most of the family went. BJ was being a total ass playing with his cellphone, trying out different ringtones in the middle of dinner. Well not long after we finished we left to come back to daadshouse and get some rest. Thirsday (July 21st) Time to come home... Yeah!!! back to my routine.. Well I get up at the same time I have all the time I have been there 6am. I do the normal stuff with getting ready. Go into dads office and go and try to check my flight information and his computer is beyond slow. can't get anywhere. As I am waiting for the site to load the news has breaking information from London saying there has been another bombing in the subway system. Well everyone gets up and moving. We get breakfast and head to the airport a little too early which was all my fault because I did not want to miss my plane like I almost did last time. So we arrived about 10:30am and sit so we leave and roam around Greensboro. About 12:15 I head to the gate and we stood around waiting to board until the time we were suppose take off and head to Atlanta. Were did not arrive at Atlanta until 2:33pm and I had less then 10 minutes to catch my flight to Melbourne. So here I have to sprint from gate 30 to gate 16. I just make it. And I am finally home. Thank goodness..
Friday, July 22, 2005
Back from North Carolina
I have returned from my unexpected trip to North Carolina. ~~~ This may be long post~~~
Saturday (July 16th) Mom & I spent looking for something to wear to the funeral. I also went and had my hair trimmed. That night I was asked to watch a co-workers granddaughter who is a whole 3 months old. She is truly a sweet little girl. I went to Palm Bay were they live. They have two of the biggest & cuddliest lab (1 chocolate & 1 black). Both boys have the biggest puppy dog eyes. Those 2 pups are truly in love with their new little sister. The family friends come home about 10:30 so I made my way home. Called dad to see what was planned in way of the services and stuff. Sunday (July 17th) was my birthday. We had planned to spend the day goofing off at the Disney parks. So we got up and headed to Orlando. Halfway there we got a call that they would be setting down a plan for all the funeral. So mom and I had a blast at the Magic Kingdom and Disney MGM. We came home about 7 pm and started making flight arrangements and pack. Monday (July 18th) I head to the office to tie up a few loose ends and head to the airport. Check in and head to the gate. As you know you have to have everything x-rayed and go through the metal detectors. Being in the state of mind I am in I forget to take off my wrist brace, I get tagged and have to be closer examined. What a pain in the ass. The lady waved the metal detecting wand over my body and go of in the chest area. What medal do you have there she asked - Duh underwire bra. Then it goes off at my abdomen. Duh the zipper in my pants. Okay make to the plane after that hassle. Everything is fine until we land in Greensboro, North Carolina. The pilot landed a little rough then hit the breaks pretty hard. I make it off the plane and I am picked up by Angie ( my stepsister-in-law) and their kids. We go and get something small to eat. We go back to their house and the kids start. Wanting to play games and run around. Well I am tired from being on a plane all day I just want to rest. Then John (my stepbrother) makes it home. He wants to go to an auction. Not a problem until Amanda starts throwing a fit. Total Drama.. She finally deals with it. We go and win a futon and it does not fit in the vehicle we arrive in. We return home and John & Angie go to pick up the item and leave me with the kids. We go out and play ball and while we were messing around I bumped Amanda's lip and made it bleed. You would have thought I took a limb off by her cries. The cut was less then a half an inch and stopped bleeding in less then a minute. So I gave her some ice in a paper towel and she was fine after that. Of course the little saint Michael wanted to call his mother. I told him there was no reason to because Amanda was not really hurt, it was a booboo and she will live. We come in to rehydrate and cool down. Mom & dad come home and they take me to Fudruckers for my birthday. The evening ends with us all getting cleaned up and into bed. Amanda wants to sleep in my room. I get the futon and she gets this foldout little foam couch. Well my routine is I read while I read. The show Medium is on and I leave the channel where it is. Amanda comes in after in after her mom gave her a bath and she starts asking to change the channel and I have to remind her that she is not suppose to be watching TV to close her eyes and go to sleep. Well Michael peeks in and sees that she is watching TV and runs to mom to rat out his sister. So I turn her little couch around so Amanda could not see the TV. The whole thing was a big drama act. For a 10 year old little boy he surely does not act it and his sister does not act 6 years old. Man I really like my Birth Control. Tuesday (July 19th) We get up, Angie runs the kids to her mothers house to spend the night and go to VBS. (Thank God). We load up our bags, ourselves and take off toward Lumberton, North Carolina. I think I will stop here because my hand it starting to get writers cramp. The rest of the trip will be even longer. Continue later..
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Late night
Well this day started out like any normal day... Crazy... Woke up early. Spill coffee on on my scrubs. Get to work and start setting up the rooms and get a call from my physician and she is going to be late. Get a call from Dr. Segina and she needs a babysitter twice today. So watch the boys after work then again at 7:30pm. Truly had fun there, they are the sweetiest little boys ever created. The aroung 8:15pm I started feeling really bad ( Nausea, dizzy, waves of sick feeling). They arrived home about 11:30 and I came home. (I did drive through the parking lot of Books-a-million to see how packed it was. The only other time I have se that parking lot is on or near a holiday.) Anyway I got home and was greeted by my mom and she told me that grandmother curry had passed away tonight. So finally got ahold of my dad. He was going to drive to Morgantown and pick up Bobby. Then they were going to drive to Durham and then probably drive onto Lumberton. That is a lot of driving very late at night. Now I am worried about him drive so late, him being tired since he has probably been up since 4am and him being emotionally drained. I worry about his health and his sugars dropping.. Doubt I will sleep tonight..
Friday, July 15, 2005
Well yesterday I recieved a check in the mail from my dad & Stepmother. I was very surprised because all of the things they have been going through with my grandmother. They have been spending alot of time in Durham at hotels. I was not expecting anything. Also Dr. Zylman gave me a Michael's gift card for $50 dollars. On My..Will talk more later when I get off of work.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
What is this world coming too. Yesterday London was celebrating being named the host city of the 2012 Olympics. Today their citizens were attacked by terrorist on their way to work in subways and on buses. Are these terrorist just going to keep bombing countries until they piss everyone off and the fights back. The terrorist though they would change things in London but Londoner showed then that they will not surcome to their attacks. Well guess what you fools. The buses were back up and running by the afternoon and they were full of passagers. They even plan to have the trains up and running by tomorrow. The people of the world is getting tired of this crap and they will show you that you will not shake up.. I know, I know. You think it is going to make you closer to god by blowing up innocent people. I hate to break it to you, but THAT IS A BUNCH OF CRAP.... It doesn't it just pisses him off... Give it up... Live life, Get a Hobby... Cross stitch, paint, build things.. Anything other then kill people...