The time of growing up and taking care of ones self is sweeping through Lumberton. Grandpa is putting hisfoot down and the children are being forced to take care of themselves. The other day dad & carolyn came home to find a message from grandpas cell phone. Yep he bumped the phone and it called dad. He had apparently just set BJ down and explained to him that he needed to start caring for himself,paying his own bills and keep money in his checking account to cover what he has written. He, grandpa, flat out said that he could cover his bills and BJ's also. Time to grow up biy!!!!. Saturday (July 23rd) Elizabeth had requested a metting between Grandpa, Kelly (Elizabeth's Fiancie) and herself to discuss what was going to happen now. Elizabeth purely expecting to get all of Grandmas jewelry, NOT!!! Grandpa flat out told her that she is off of his health insurace as of September 1st, she needed to transfer the cell phone bill into her name and start paying that bill and that Grandma had 2 other granddaughters that she was not going to be the only one getting Grandmas jewelry. Grandpa I am proud of you and stick to your guns and make them start paying for their stuff...
10 hours ago
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