May 3, 2006
Update on fires.
Well they are flaring up again.They currently have Interstate 95 & 528 closed and they had to close the roads this morning because of smoke. So the roads were a mess this morning. They had pockets of smoke up an down the I-95. Now there is Muck Fire causing havik in Palm Bay. We Need Rain NOW. The fires up there has grown to over 5300 acres..
May 11, 2006
FIRES - The Port St. John/Canaveral Groves fire is smoldering. It has burned over 6300 arces. It has closed 2 highways on a daily basis because of visablity every morning. On Sunday there was a massive car pile up on I-95 involving 4 semi-trucks, multiple cars and costing 2 people their lives.They are now flooding the area to put out the fires still burning underground. There has also been a 1300 acres fire in Volusia county. That fire gobbled up 3 homes and damaged others. There is also a muck fire burning underground in Palm Bay that is making Palm Bay a smelly mess.
THE ARM - This damn brace is driving me insane. It itches, gets hot. It is just a pain. There is this area where it curves to form the brace that keeps my holds my thumb inplace. That put pressure on the joint, burns the skin. When I take the brace off my hand & arm is starting to look deformed. Today is one month since they did surgery. Just 2 weeks until I see Dr. Woodward and might be able to remove this thing. I am hoping I well get a new brace to wear. But I have to face the truth that I will have to keep it on until I see Sandra the Therapist. Then Hell Begins...
May 20,2006
I have a problem Current mood: frustrated
I have a problem saying the word "NO". Which can be a good thing or a bad thing. The reason it can be a bad thing is because I continue to watch this little boy which has some emotion problems. He can go from being a sweet heart to screaming mad man. He was doing so well yesterday then he just started acting out. His sister's swim coach came over and it started off good. The he started testing the boundaries with her until she had to ask him to get out of the pool. Then the water works and drama began. He stormed off and was blaming everyone else and making excusses for him being put on time out. She does not see how his actions cause what the consiquences. He can be very abusive when he wants. He truly does not understand that you can not have everything you want. He is now five and throws a tempertantrum like a 2 or 3 year old. He freaks out when his parents leave. I think a lot of this comes because his parents travel or leave the house frequently. He has learned that he can get attention this way. Now back to the "no" problem. I told myself that after I would cut back one watching these kids and only watch the twins (extreme joy to watch) but then I had my hand surgery and that has co-pays. Now they have asked me to watch them from Friday after my Dr's appointment until their her parents come back into town (Lord, please let them catch an ealier flight or a great tailwind). That means I will have these children for almost 26hrs. Now if it was the boys would not be a problem. The little girl has really opened up to me and did not want me to leave yesterday. I just do not understand why the grandparents or siblings will not watch them for the weekend. Could it because someone will not listen. Make you wonder.He also wants me to watch them the following Tuesday, in my mind it hears that would pay for the new Quickutz dies I want. What to do, what to do. I need to meet a man and start my own family and not do this anymore.
May 29, 2006
Weekends go way too fast
I can not believe this long weekend is already over. And what do I have to show for it. Not a whole hell of a lot.. Friday I went to the hand specialist and was freed from that horrible brace. At 6pm I started My time with monster boy and his sister. For a five year old he truly behaves like a 3 year old. Everything is a battle with him. He still wears a pull up and it is full by morning. He does not want you to look at him without his clothes on but he wants you to wipe his behind. Totally do not get that one. He is constantly holding onto his sister, grabbing her, pulling her and just about smothering her. For the ages they are they say butt, hinney & penis, that is not what a 5 & 3 yr old should say. We had a HUGE fight about clothes. She wanted to wear something that did not match, which is not a big deal we compramized. Him... well that was a battle. He hates everything, it's scratchy, it does not fit, I don't like it and why can't I wear my soccer uniform and crocs. Because that is not something to you wear to a resturant. It was an hour long battle. You know it is truly something when the grandparents of these children feel dread when the discussion of watching them comes up. This was grandmas reaction to possibly having to watch them tomorrow night (May 30th) "I guess they are going to ask us to watch them" me- "Scott has already asked me & I agreed" Grandma-"oh wonderful I am not sure I could do it, he is such a handful" Lady he is not a handful he is a terror to the community. We removed 2 toads from the pool and he tried to smash him with a rock. I stopped him then as we release one he quickly throws a rock ontop of the other just landing on the frog. When we release the second one he keeps chasing it and pushing it with a stick trying to hurt it. He truly has a few screws loose. And on top of watching them for 23hrs the father jips me $30 dollars. I truly think they should have paid me more as hazard pay. I think this all stems because the parents are NEVER home with them. If you can make the kids you need to care for the kids. She went to georgia for 6 days and he headed for the bahamas for 4 days. People Spend time with your kids and people will want to be around them. June 1st and that is it. I am only watching them once a month. It is not worth it. Freedom. I am only watching the boys and Reagan. That is it. The rest of the weekend was uneventfull. But now it is time for bed because I have a long day and night tomorrow (My last tour of duty)
9 hours ago
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