April 21, 2006
Why is curling an Olympic sport??? sweeping a broom in front of a weight on ice.. Not Athletic at all...
I think Team paintball would be a great Olympic sport. I was flipping through the channels and wondered across the Championship being held in Miami on ESPN this afternoon. It is truly a trip to watch. It will also be on Saturday from 2pm to 4pm, 11pm on ESPN. This is truly a sport to watch.. Refs Limping, a shot to the face shield and the beam to the head.. Ouch. Can they get the other teams shot in 4 minutes? The race is on.. Paintballs flying at 200mph. Now that is team work.. Maybe we could get this into the 2008 Olympics..
Next topic*************
- I have to say at a week & a half in this pest of a brace, I am over it. It is itchy and hot. my arm is broke out in a rash, I have a a blister starting on my thumb. It can come off now.. I miss my black on.
April 22, 2006
For some silly reason they were saying this show was going to be a week long show. Someone did not plan it right. 9 stars, 3 stars per episode, 1 cook off with the home viewers voting, & then the reveal show. For some reason they did not air the Thursday episode and it was not because Ashley Parker Angel cut his pinky pretty bad. Because he is a trooper and is cooking away, bandaged finger and all. I like this show. Because it is not staged or dramatic with some rich princess whinning because they have to do something where they may break a sweat.
Next topic********** The hand
It is still there.. This Dang brace is getting on my last nerve. The heat is causing a heat rash an blister areas on my thumb and palm. I went friday and had my thumb evaluated for the slight blister appearring on my thumb. They put a thumb sock on it that was suppose to help. Well my dear it has not because my thumb is still sore. It could be that I just need tobe patient and let that tender area heal. Just over 4 weeks left. The blue "yes" that they wrote on my wrist on surgery day are still hanging on..
Next Topic*************** Gas prices
They are outragous... They oil jerks are forcing their prices up because they got caught raising prices after the hurricanes. The government caught on they they were raising prices saying they were so hurt from the hurricanes then they posted a huge profit at the end of the year. For someone who lost sooooo much in august you made still pocketed a lot. Quite being greedy boys, you wife can wear last years mink again this year it will not kill her and your mistress can get off her back and pay her own rent for once.
Next topic ****** Rain
Rain drops fell around Brevard today. Yes they wet stuff. Unfortunately it did include some lightening but it was a good rain. It will help some with the fires but it will not last. We need a little more then what we go.. We need a day or two of rain to get out of the fire funk.
Next topic ************** Disney
On May 7th our annual passes expire. Things have been a little tight and we can not renew them at this time. So next weekend I am going to get my disney fix for a little while.. I am going to go and play at the Epcot Flower & Garden festival. Than may go and play at MGM. I am going to add some character photos to my collection. I need to work on my books some. I just need to go play and have some fun. Withdraws are going to be hard to deal with.
I think that is it for now..
9 hours ago
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