Well it has been a rough week. I have been fighting a Cold or Flu since last thursday. Today I went to the doctor to get some help fighting it off. A week after it started and I can't take it anymore, time for meds. The doctor said it had indeed moved to my lungs. Now I get a few days off of work with rest. It is very hard to rest when they are still banging repairing the the entry way. It is coming out nicely though and will be worth it in the end. The door is now in and the walls are going back up. They will be stuccoing the walls tomorrow and the painting, ceilling instalation, light, thee tile and the outlets next week.
The suprising thing is that I recieved a call from Dave. The last time I heard from him was just after christmas. We talked for almost an hour. It was very good to hear from him. He talked about getting together Saturday night. It will be good to see him. It was last September since I saw him last.