Saturday, October 11, 2003

Day 27

Well things went well at the expo. Spent a little too much money. Bought a lot of cool thing. Bought some really cool stamps. I did get most of Dr. Slack book done. The die cuts I ordered had a little miss spelling in it. So those are not ready yep. It is looking pretty good. I have to print out a few things and get some stuff that the office it printing out. I truly hope he like it. Things are doing pretty good. I had McDonalds for lunch yesterday and did not finish all of it. That is good. I barely at any chocolate during my cycle and I usually will kill for it during this time. This is going to work. I am going to  drop this weight. My only problem has been a migrane. I keep getting a Headache that will not leave. If it is not gone by monday I will have to call the Doctor to find out why..

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