I have decided to go back and get my EMT license back. I let it lapse in 2006. It has been a nightmare since that decision. The Local College... it makes me wonder how people graduate. I sign up and pay. It takes them almost 2 weeks to get me in the system. Since I have done it before I am doing more as a refresher. So the Teacher "Nick" who's class list I am on, apparently does not like how I am doing it (with approval of the main teachers). He switches me off of the on-line board. It then takes me 2 weeks to get back on the board and it is now really hard to do class discussion when you are the only one listed in the class. June 25th I went to get my student badge I was not informed about because it was on the message board I have been locked out of. But the College is Closed every Friday. I go to my 1st clinical without a badge. The only good thing is I was riding with my little brother.I go on June 28th and get it taken. Go July 1st no badge yet, July 2nd & 5ht Closed. So I went to my second clinical without my student badge. July 6 & 7 no badge. July 8th I worked until 730. July 9th Closed.. Saturday & Sunday clinical with no badge. Went back today and it turns out they have LOST my badge.. They have to reorder it and it will hopefully be in Thursday. The problem I have to have it for my state testing.. I have 2 more clinicals to do. Lets see if I get it before I finish the class.. So I am on my 8th straight day of work or clinical. I have 3 more to go until the weekend. My only weekend off. It is sad that it is my birthday and all I want to do is sleep. The dogs hate me because I am never home. Then it turns out today that the guy I have been with that ended up in the hospital with chest pain. This is the same guy with the bullshit line "I am too busy for a relationship". All of a sudden he has seen the light and the same woman who has smashed his heart into little pieces it the one he can't live without. Go fuck yourself. Don't call me when you need something done for your family. Call Carrie to do it. Just remember your family hates her and will not let her in the house. I will all of a sudden not be able to help. She was not the one offering to take off work and drive your family over to see you. Carrie would never do that. Carrie would not ride with you over to take you mom to Orlando so she would not drive you crazy. Nope.. Did she sit there with your family BOTH time your father had major surgery. Was she there for you at your father funeral. NOPE... One day you will wake up. Time for a shower and time for bed.
23 hours ago
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