I hope everyone had a great Easter Sunday. Today I was awaken by my mom, Cheyenne, Cody and Ivy Grace at 830am. That was only 4 hrs after signing off and finally getting to sleep. After that I we got dressed and worked on the front yard. We bought 10 bags of mulch and spread them out in the front flower beds. Yesterday we took all the back porch furniture off and washed them down. We then washed the back porch and windows. After it dried, put the new outdoor rug out and put all the furniture back. It looks nice out there. After putting the mulch out today. Took a shower then a little time to catch up on my Zzzzz.. The after dropping Cheyenne off with her foster mom, we headed to Palm Bay to see my other family. Had a wonderful dinner. Now I am sitting here relaxing after taking something for my tooth. Tuesday I get the temporary crown. Yippee.. I had having my teeth worked on. Well I am off to bed.. Maybe I can keep my brain functioning enough to read a page or two.. But I doubt it.. Night All..
23 hours ago
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