Today Disney will send one of it most famous characters into space. Belived it or not Buzz Lightyear is leaving his fried Woody behind and heading into space to aid in education. Now what little boy is not going to want to tune into to see what adventures Buzz Lightyear will have to say. Supposably there WKMG Local 6 out of Orlando will post a link tomorrow so kids can see his adventure and play some games. The site even says Buzz will have his own blog. Can't wait to check that out. Here is the site that is suppose to post the information Buzz Lightyear will be the latest crew member to join the crew on the international space station. Video of Buzz Lightyear going through astronaut training. This is pretty funny to watch.
This is one of the advantages to living in Brevard county Florida, You can walk out your front door and watch a piece of history head to space. And to feel the rumble as it roars into spcae. These were taken with my new camera. Man it has a great zoom. if you look close enough you can actually see the shuttle. The glow as it heads upward. It is hard to get a picture too close because it moves so fast and just too fast to track. Enjoy..
8 hours ago
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