I feel like this is going to be a very disappointing year. Mom was going to help me with my trip to England and that fell threw. Checked today and there are only 4 spots left. I sent my money in right way to go to Camp Gotta Crop and I got wait listed. I have been to every one. I am totally shocked. I have nothing to look forward too. I want to get out of this town. I want my trip to Ocala and England. I wanna get AWAY... I was so happy when I got the mail then I opened the letter and I about cried.. I could not believe it. I sent it right back in. I just can not believe it. I worked so hard that night to earn the money for that trip and now I can not go. I have never missed a year now I will probably not put on next years list. This is not fair. I sent Robyne an e-mail to see if her & Diane got in and I am waiting for a response. Frustrated... So frustrated... I applied for a loan for my trip so we will see if I can go to England and Scotland.
10 hours ago
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