My dad's side of the family does not do the planning thing very well. I hear the rumor that my Step-brother and his family are coming down sometime in June. So I get a call this Tuesday asking if I was working. Did I wanna come over and see them in Orlando. Well Yes I am working and if I do not get off my cellphone I will not be working. I said maybe we could get together on Saturday. They are going to Universal Studios with Uncle Dave and is Fiance. They said I could tag along. Well It is $71 to go to Universal Studios ($67 for Florida residents, woo hoo $4dollars) That is the equivalent of a small drink. But things as you know have gotten a little tight for us all. Well I speak to my father last night and they spring that they will be down on June 22nd until July 2nd. Problem.. I agreed to babysit on Friday night June 27th (good - got money and bad -have to drive up early Saturday morning the drive to Animal Kingdom). Yes my dad wants to go to Animal Kingdom. So that means paying for 2 trips to 2 theme parks (My passes have expired) at $71 a pop plus food and Quarters to Squish. That is a lot of money. It would not be a problem if I could pick up some babysitting. It is not that hard to get the money if that happens. But most of my families are out of town. Man I now have to choose if I am going tomorrow. Oh heavens. I wanna see my Step-brother but that is a lot of money I do not have. I mean I do have some room on a credit card but I am trying to get them paid off and if I keep charging on them.
10 hours ago
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