Do you feel that sometimes you get in over your head with things your creating?
I feel like I am getting in over my head when I am asked to do creative projects for other people. Otherwise. It is slow and steady for me. I have been working on an 8x8 "All About Me" album for 2 years now. It sat with 7 pages in it (3 were complete). Well earlier this year I decided it was time to start working on it again. I am up to 40 pages (some are still in the process because I need to copy and fix some photos. I am really starting to enjoy working on my album again.
Other things to talk about....
I have to a new pill to my regiment....
Meet Crestor 5mg.. I am truly my fathers child.. I have ended up on cholesterol medication. At 24 I was diagnosed with High Cholesterol (aka Hypercholesterolemia ). My cholesterol was 264. Yep you read that right.. That is pretty good. My father's was over 300 until he was put on medication. The nurse practitioner had me start Xenical. Yes the weight loss drug now sold over the counter as Alli. In six months it dropped down to 203. Well of course insurance would not keep paying for it. I came off and my cholesterol went right back up to 254. The Nurse practitioner was changed under another physician who was not taking new patients so I could not stay with her. I switched to the other physician in the group. Boy I did not like her. She did not think that my cholesterol was not a problem. She says that it does not cause any damage at my age. So over the years I have tried diet, exercise and fiber. Over the years I have succeeded in getting it down to the 230 range or just below. So in March I went and had my blood work repeated. After losing 18 pounds and a lot of good foods from my diet, my cholesterol was at 233. My doctor suggested starting Crestor. I was very afraid. Ever since the car accident I have had tremors. One of the side effects of Crestor is joint pain. Yeah.. I was 6 months out since the accidents and every joint on the left side of my body already hurts. Now I am suppose to start a medication that will make the other side hurt to. No Thanks. So now we are in June and it is time for my 3month follow up. I go and get my blood work and nothing had changes. Literally. Here are my numbers:
March 2008 June 2008
cholesterol 233 233
triglyceride 130 113
HDL 40 42 (good cholesterol this needs to be higher)
LDL 167 168 (bad cholesterol this needs to be LOWER)
Ratio 5.8 5.5 (needs to be LOWER
So I buck up and tomorrow I am going to start Crestor. Which means in 6wks I need to repeat the cholesterol and test my Liver function. Another side effect is liver problems. I will keep you posted. In six weeks I will post my status.
6/20/08 wt: 190.8 lbs weight lost 22lbs cholesterol 233
I was the happiest person to come home earlier this week and find a box from British Columbia.. I was taped shut with tape saying "Sealed with a KISS". MY facial scrub is here. Lush Ocean Salt. I have been out for almost a month and my skin was throwing a fit over it. I have severely sensitive skin. Every over the counter and expensive facial product I have tried has only irritated and inflamed my face. When I went to England last summer I bought a small tub of this and started using it when I got back. Boy did it make my skin like this stuff. I was a happy camper. There are not many Lush stores in Florida. So in October we head over to Orlando where there are only 2 stores (located in Florida Mall & the Orlando International Airport). We had to delay our trip over because of the accident. I got me a tub that lasted until February I ordered some and this is my second shipment of it. This time I ordered Mask of Magnaminty. Oh this stuff is great too. I have only used these 2 products 3 times and my face is already clearer. Another product I have tried is the Dreamtime. It is so relaxing. You can cut it in to 1/4's and make it last. Of what a great company. Luv U Lush. All their products are made from natural products with very limited harsh products. They are very eco-friendly.
2 Your thoughts and comments:
Congrats on the weight loss! Good for you! :-)
Thank you Staci for the kind words. And thank you for stopping by..
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