Challenge is~
What are your favorite pages to work on?
Right now I have two scrapbooks and a new photo book. My current scrapbooks are an All About Me album and Trip to Hogwarts Volume II. I started the All About Me over 2 years ago. I had only finished about 7 whole pages. In February I was cleaning the scrapbook/office and came across the memory keeper with the 8x8 album, papers and embellishments. I have been working on mostly my cards for the Quickutz club and friends. I decided one night to take it to the boys house to work on it and try and figure out what to put in it. That night I did 4 complete and 2 half complete pages. I must say that I have made a dent in it. I have completed about 30 pages. My biggest problems is I do not have a lot of pictures of my past. My mother was not a pig photo taker and when we asked the state help to put my mothers stepfather in a nursing home, they trashed all the photos. They stole a lot of memories. So I have put out the request for family to help get these some photos to add to my book. Now there is what is taking so long for me to finish. It is one of the few books that I have actually complete journalling in. As for my Trip to Hogwarts II album -- I must confess that I have not started it yet... I am trying to find an album like the one I have the first trip in. In the first album I used 2 styles of paper throughout the book. Now I have to decided which pages to use then the next problem is to try and find enough to do a whole album with it. I just have not seen the right papers for the book.
Back at Christmas time I decided to make a photo book and went to I started working on one about my summer trip to England and Scotland. I downloaded the software and would work on it here and there. Well I finished that one and made just a book of my photographs. Well that was a hard decision to make as to which to put in. So the first week in December I uploaded the 2 books and paid my $56 and a week later I had 3 5.75x7.75 softcover books delivered to my front door. If you sign up for their newsletter they send you a code for a free book of the one you are ordering. I was playing around on my favorite message board - 2Peas - and came across a post about photo books. Someone asked whether this is the way scrapbooking is heading. Of course it is not. It is just like digital scrapbooking - some like it, some do not and some just don't get the hang of it. (Raising hand at the last part). I like these books for the coffee table or for a gift of a grandparent. Well someone posted the website With they have a whole rage of book sizes but they are still early in the software and are still adding fonts and designed. Here is the different book sizes: - 7.75x5.75, 11.25x8.75, 15x11 - 7x7, 10x8, 8x10, 13x11
well blurb's software has a lot more font and you can create a lot of different backgrounds, framed and layouts. This is still in the planning/playing stage. We will see how this goes.
10 hours ago
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