Whats the last good book you've read?
I am currently Reading The Firery Cross By Diana Gabaldon. (I have not really been drawn into this book like the others in the series.) I would have to say.. Outlander, Voyager and Drums of Autumn By Diana Gabaldon. The House of night series by PC Cast. Historical fiction and Vampires, what a combo. I am really enjoying the Outlander series. It was great to visit the area where this book took place. You can picture the scenes. I went to Scotland in July 2007. The Kelly's (Kelly J. & Kelly S.) both talked me into reading the Outlander series. Other recent reads I have liked is the Harry Potter Series. Although I HATED book seven, still love the books. It was such a roller coaster of emotion. And it is bad to end a novel with a double digit body count. It tore my heart apart so bad that I have not been able to pick it up to re-read it like I have with the others. The seventh book will always hold a special place in my heart because I brought it home from Scotland.. hehehe If you want to look at other books in my library you will find a link to my Goodreads bookshelf.. Feel free to add me as a friend if you wish..
10 hours ago
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