We if you have read in prior post you will see that my baby (my 2006 Rav4) had a little while honda shoved up her tailpipe.. This spoiled twit from Lake Worth Smashed my baby to the point she was undrivable. She should had been totaled. Well neither my insurance nor his insurance wanted to total her.
This car was worth :
-Prior to Wreck $19,000
-Damage to the Vehicle $8,700 (including storage fees)
-Cost of the rental car $2,300
-Deminished value of Vehicle $1,716 (according to Esurance)
-Deminished value of vehicle $4,000 (according to any Dealership)
-The value of the vehicle after repair $12,500
-Which means I am VERY upside down on my car loan.
So after 67 days in a rental car, 500 calls to Esurance and lawyer and multiple treats to the insruance commisionor of Florida. I am still being screwed. This puts me $8,000 upside down in my trade. I can not replace my vehicle without being total fucked. The worst part is that this little Jerk got a brand new car, a ticket and defensive driving class out of the deal. Oh yeah he pissed off a Brevard County Judge for not showing up for court to dispute the ticket for the accident he caused.
My vent with Esurance is - They rarely return your calls. They do not get the claim agent out in a timely manner. They think if they cut one check that the car is fixed. They take their time to pay for stuff. They leave you with a vehicle that is not worth anything. And they Lie to you. They are echo friendly because they do not have paper to keep track of their claims. I so hate them..
stepping off soap box..
9 hours ago
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