I feel like this is going to be a very disappointing year. Mom was going to help me with my trip to England and that fell threw. Checked today and there are only 4 spots left. I sent my money in right way to go to Camp Gotta Crop and I got wait listed. I have been to every one. I am totally shocked. I have nothing to look forward too. I want to get out of this town. I want my trip to Ocala and England. I wanna get AWAY... I was so happy when I got the mail then I opened the letter and I about cried.. I could not believe it. I sent it right back in. I just can not believe it. I worked so hard that night to earn the money for that trip and now I can not go. I have never missed a year now I will probably not put on next years list. This is not fair. I sent Robyne an e-mail to see if her & Diane got in and I am waiting for a response. Frustrated... So frustrated... I applied for a loan for my trip so we will see if I can go to England and Scotland.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Blog challenge 1/10/07
What are you looking forward to this coming year? anything?
blog about it!!
I am looking forward to possibly going back to England an visiting Scotland. I just wanna go back so badly.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Blog Challenge 1/3/07 to 1/9/07
Blog Challenge for 1/9/07
Challenge: Valentines day is right around the corner. What are you gonna be doing for your valentine this year??? blog about it.. or what do you hope to get from your valentine??? anything?
I don't have a valentine. I will prbably be home with little man Cody.. Otherwise it is my the beginging of my 6th year at my job.
Blog challenge for 1/8/07
Challenge~ If you have set a scrapbooking resolution what is it? How is your resolution going?
I would like to finish my Harry Potter the real Hogwarts Album done before I go on my next trip. (Hopefully this summer). I am almost done with the book. I have about 6 pages left. I have Glouchester Catherdral and Warwick castle to put in the book.
I know this is early but the board has a habit of posting it early. Just trying to keep up.
Blog Challenge 1/7/07..
Challenge~ What do you think of all the Reality shows on tv?
I think some of these showsa re so fake... The Bad Gils Club, Batchlor, Big Brother, The Real Dresperate Housewives of Orange County--- Big Drama. They are just shows that show stuck up snotty princess. When they first came out they were real not they have gotten so scripted.
On the other hand Survivor, Amazing race and Treasure Hunters are pretty cool shows. You really have to work at etting your prizes. I really like Treasure Huntres when it was on over last summer
Blog for 1/6/07
Challenge~ If you have a favorite flower. What is this flower and explain why its your favorite.
My favorite flower is the rose. Chocolate roses are my favorite. There peach body with brown tips are amazing. They come in all shapes, sizes, colors and smells. There are climbing roses, tree roses and miniature roses. I love looking through the Jackson & perkins catalog with the amazing selection of roses. They even have beautiful roses deticated to Pope John, princes Diana and even Ronald Reagan.
Blog entry for 1/5/07
Challenge~ What is one craft you wish you could learn in 2007?
I think it would be neat to learn to crocket.. I just though it would be something to do on my hands other then be on this computer.
Challenge~ If you have/had any pets in your life. How did you decide on their names?
We had Daisy a sweet little cocker spaniel - she came from the dog pound and was abused prior to us adopting her
Now we have spoiled (Cody) and bottomless pit (IV Grace). We were depressed after losing daisy and the rest is spotted history. They RULE the house
1/3/07Challenge~ What is one thing you wish you could relive or do over from your school days?I would have follow through on some of my activities and been more out going. I would have not kept thinking I was a huge blimp when I was not. I would kill to be that weight again
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Blog Challenge 1/2/07
Challenge~ If you could travel to one special place where would that be? This could be a country, city or state. What would you make sure to see when there?
I would really like to travel to the other Melbourne. That would be Melbourne, Australia. I have always wanted to travel there. Another place I would like to go is Alaska. One of my other travel wishes was fullfilled in 2006 when I took my first tripn out of the country. I went to England. Yep I boarded a plane with a whole bunch of people I did not know and went on a tour of england. My favorite place was Lacock and Burton-on-the-water. Lovely areas. I am hoping to go back this summer and return to Oxford and Lacock.
Monday, January 01, 2007
Blogger Challenge 1/1/07
Here is the start to one of Blog Challenges I have decided to particapate in. ( I know I have issues with spelling. Don't pick on me about it.)
who is someone that has had a major effect in your life? Why?
Mrs Buckley, My SLD teacher at Central Junior High School. She got me intested in reading and taught me how to focus my mind and to be able to complete tasks. She helped me understand that I was not really different from my classmates that I just had a different way and amount of knowledge my brain would absorb.