You always worry about the family you marry into... I truly have nothing to worry about there, I have the family my Father married into... In 1983, My father married a divorced mother of two with a lot of baggage that would later come.. The saying family should not work together... This is the model family. But here is the thing.. Family should not try to operate two of the same types of business' in the same area is more like it. My Step-mothers brothers (are you lost yet..) Ron & Dave decided to produce the same type of local publication. Then Dave was in a life altering vehicle accident (the man is lucky to be alive & now has some problems associated from the accident, yep mental). The money issues come up, accusations arose, one brother now in total distrust (side effect from accident) of the other, Just a total bunch of CRAP. Many years later and they (Dave) can not be in the same room with the other. My step-mother plans this Birthday party for my (Step) Grandmother's 80th Birthday and invites the whole family. Ron with his family & his children families all come and Dave and his children, My Fathers family and so one (sorry big family).. Yep you got it, I climb my broke butt on a plane after maxing out my credit card to get her and be warm... The Brothers decide they can put this in the past and for their moms 80th birthday be ADULTS and come to the party. Well that lasted max 10 minutes. Dave the immature ass he is sends his oldest daughter into the house to retrieve his youngest child because he can not stand to be even close to his brother. The youngest is seating at the table eating lunch (she had only had 2 or 3 bites). They leave... Well just after we ate lunch the next drama starts.. Here is were the he said, she said starts.. Carolyn had planned for us to eat dinner about 6pm so that most of the guest could arrive because of work schedules. Some how in the communication between the siblings either a time was not communicated or it was not absorbed.. Ron and his huge family had set a leaving time of about 6pm because they had a several hour trip to their mountain cabin ahead of them and some of the drivers have trouble seeing to drive in the dark. Well that hurt carolyn's feelings because they are ruining her plans. So people start taking walks (all of the kids and Ron), Rons wife starts saying "it is always about her".. Yada, yada, yada.. Tears are shed and sedatives are taken.. And in the middle of this the poor birthday girl is really feeling bad and it is truly breaking my heart for her to see her family this way. When everything had died down, I noticed her setting on the couch just staring at the Christmas tree and you could just see the pain in her face.
I have decided that the next time they come to Florida to see the "family" that I will only drive to daytona on the condition that we see neither of the brothers because I do not want to deal with the childishness. I did not spend almost $300 to see grandmas heart broken..
11 hours ago
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