I know I have not posted in a while.. Life has been busy. Between work and my multiple families. I have been helping Carmen and Anette with sweet little Isabela. My father lost his job and they have been floating by on his unemployment check and my stepmothers house cleaning business. And of course she went overboard for Christmas. I told her I would rather them not get me anything except maybe a die that I can not get down here and a card. A Card is more then I have gotten from my Grandfather. I am sure that my cousins got cards and I am sure they had a little money stuffed in there. I guess since I am not the one who constantly has their hand out that I am the forgotten one. In October my uncle lost his battle with Leukemia. He made it to his and Frances' Anniversary. It was a difficult one - a Police/Fire Fighter funeral. And I have never been so embarrassed by my family. My stepmother I have since learned takes too much Xanax. She takes 2mg a day to deal with her life. So the day of the funeral she took 4 mg. She almost fell out of 2 vehicles and looked like shit. Total Drama.. Work has been work. We are in the process of a renovation. The new section is almost done and then we will be moving over so they can renovate the new building. In November I traded my 2006 Rav4 for a 2010 Rav4. I am now in a better financial situation on the car. I am now no longer seriously upside down on it. We have finally ended all the crap from the accident. The Foster child thing has been busy. We have had several babies. The longest was a month. Then at Christmas time we too a 16y/o who has a massive chip on her should. She ended up stealing from us and went after my mom. The Melbourne police were extremely nice at 3am. I have been spending way too much time on Facebook. I have been spending too much time with Quinn (My Kindle). The love department still SUCKS. As Jennifer Lopez says in Wedding Planner - I am a magnet for unavailable men and I am sick of it. I just don't think the right guy exists for me. I am not ment to be happy with someone and that God thinks I am meant to care for other peoples children then I am to have my own family. I purchase a scrapbook table and have been trying to back into the creative swing. Today I completed 2 scrapbook pages and 9 little mailboxes. They are for the girls at work when we move into our new office. I think I will fill them with candy and put them on our desks when we move. I will try to get a picture on here soon. I need to start my Valentines cards next. Well I must go and spend some time with Quinn. Night all. I will try to get back into the swing of writing.
23 hours ago